Hello, my name is Amirhossein (Afffaa) and welcome to my Athenaeum !!! I have just started my PhD at Sharif University of Technology. My B.Sc. and M.Sc. are in Chemical Engineering and I am currently working on the interface of computer engineering, software development, Numerical Modeling, Machine Learning, Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering. Currently, I’m at my first semester of my Ph.D. studies and have two courses (details are at the bottom of this page) to pass. Alongside the courses, I’m building up my specific knowledge around my Graduate research project which involves Molecular Dynamics, Decision under Uncertainty, Online Learning, and Software Development using Julia.
Here is the structure for this athenaeum:
- About
- CV
- Publications
- Academic Papers Journey
- Music with Afffaa
- Contact Information
Another sections also will be added through time!!!
Currently Reading Books
In this section, I will actively update the books I’m currently reading (updated weekly at fridays). This accounts to multiple reasons, one of which is mutual motivation, to me (the reader, to carry on), and to you (to start reading more and more)!!!
- (Not a priority now) Solving ODEs I, 2nd Edition (by Hairer)
- (Not a priority now) Evaluating Derivatives (by Griewank)
- (It’s not a tiresome read) English for Writing Research Papers, 3rd Edition (by Wallwork)
- (Priority, main resource for “online learning” course) Bandit Algorithms (by Tor Lattimore)
- (Priority, MD prestudies) Understanding Molecular Simulation, 3rd Edition (by Frenkel)
- (Priority, RL prestudies) Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization (by Powell)
Note that as a Ph.D. candidate, I have a lot of responsibilities. To try and handle these responsibilities, I will try to stablish a schedule for updating site materials. Current time-table for site updates are as follows:
- Saturdays. Upload more Resources
- Mondays. Upload Paper Summaries
- Wednesdays. New Post (on various subjects)
- Fridays. Upload Music Reviews of The Week
PhD Semester 1 - Courses
As I said in the “Welcome” callout, I have two courses to pass in this semester, which are:
- Online Learning and Bandit Algorithms, Mathematics Department, Dr. Alishahi
- Modern and Optimal Control, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, Dr. Pishvaei
Both of the courses require graduate mathematics modeling and analysis, one in Measure Theory and Uncertainty Modeling, and Other in Sensitivity Analysis, Special kinds of Differential Equations, and Simulink.