MD Simulations
- The Configurational space of a Molecular System for MD Simulations is given by , where is the number of atoms of the system
- Experimental observables are measured as equilibrium expectations , where is the equilibrium distribution
- the form of this distribution is known
- for instancem the Boltzmann distribution in the canonical ensemble at temperature is
- is the molecular potential energy
- is the Boltzmann constant multiplied by the Temperature,
- and is the normalization factor
- MD Numerically solves Newton’s eq. over the potential for the variable , plus a Langevin stochastic term accounting for thermal fluctuations
- Now consider the state as a specific conformation inside the configurational space at time
- the probability of finding the molecule in configuration at a later time can be expressed by the conditional transition density function , , which describes the probability of finding state given state at time after a time increment
When performing an MD simulation,
- the dynamics of the molecular system propagates the state across time
- Therefore, MD samples from the transition density given discrete time steps to obtain the next state
- this process is repeated for many steps, generating a trajectory of conformations
The main goal of performing MD simulations
- is to obtain a good representation of the system’s equilibrium distribution , i.e., the probability to find conformation under equilibtrium conditions, to measure the average of observable
- if an MD trajectory is long enough, sampling from is equivalent to sampling from
- generating long enough trajectories is computationally expensive, and often practically impossible when trying to sample slow events
- However, long trajectories can be substituted by short parallel trajectories
- while in principle one could model directly the conditional probability in , in practice this is not possible due to the very high dimensional space
- fortunately, it can be shown that the dynamics can be separated into a slow and fast set of variables, and b/c the contributions of fast variables decay exponentially in , a reliable MSM can be constructed in terms of the slow variables to compute the thermodynamic averages
- usually, time-independent component analysis (tICA) and clustering methods are used to study this set of variable during sampling, which is necessary to build the MSM
- one we obtain the MSM, computed by estimating the transition probabilities from discrete conformational states, one can derive the thermodynamics and kinetic properties, just assuming local, not global, equilibrium (i.e., is much shorter than what is necessary to satisfy )